SUL4R-PLUS Resources

SO4 Comparison Chart

What Does This Mean for Farmers?

  • Smaller, more uniform pellets result in more uniform spreading and better sulfate release timing for your crops.

  • Stronger pellets make for better handling and spreading, producing less dust and less breakage. This is good for crop health and the health of anyone working in the field.

  • Lignosulfanates help hold these smaller pellets together and break down quickly upon contact with water in the soil. They’re also beneficial to crops.

  • Making SUL4R-PLUS from reclaimed materials is better for the environment than using mining to procure raw materials. By sourcing sulfur from power plant emissions, we keep emissions from polluting the air and avoid the devastating environmental impact of mining.

  • Our more uniform pellets are an excellent carrier for micronutrients that help your crops, like Boron and Zinc.

Pellet Uniformity >50 50
Calcium sulfate particle Smaller Larger
Calcium sulfate particle uniformity More uniform Less uniform
Pellet strength 8 8.3
Lignosulfanates 6-8% 1%
Sustainability Reclaimed Materials Mined Materials
Option to include micronutrients Yes No


SUL4R-PLUS Dust-Free

SUL4R-PLUS Dust-Free
